Esl India collaborated with Nodwin Gaming to announce the Snapdragon Pro Series New State Open India tournament. The Tournament is open to all and is boasted to have a prize pool of $123,000 (1,00,00,000 INR approx). This will be one of the biggest New State Event in its history.
Registration Details
Registration for this event has already started. Interested Players Can Register for the same, from their Official website.
🌟 Registrations are now open for SPS - New State Mobile Open 🇮🇳 India
— ESL India (@ESL_India) November 30, 2022
Ready up your Squads & Prepare for an epic Journey! 💪
Register Now -
Follow us to know more 👉 @ESL_India @NodwinGaming #RegisterNow #newstatemobile #SPSIndia
- Open Qualifiers (12 December - 20 December 2022)
- Open Finals (28,29,30 December 2022)
- Mobile Challenge (05 January - 15 January 2023)
- Challenger Finals (TBD)
Prize Distribution
- Winner - $24,000
- 2nd - $19,000
- 3rd - $15,000
- 4th -$11,000
- 5th -$8,000
- 6th-8th - $5,000
- 9th-10th - $3,000
- 11th-12th $2,500
- 13th-16th - $2,000
- 17th-24th -$1,000
- MVP - $4,000