Enigma Gaming, an Indian esports organization, has announced that it is bidding farewell to its Valorant roster. The team made the announcement via social media, thanking the players for their hard work and dedication to the organization.
As per stats,the Enigma Gaming Valorant roster had a strong showing in 2022, winning several awards and accolades. Despite their success, the organization has decided to part ways with the team.
The roster included the following players and coach:
- Rawiful
- Antidote
- RvK
- Karam1L
- Tesseract(Coach)
Fans of Enigma Gaming and the Valorant roster are surely disappointed by the news, but the organization has assured that it will continue to support the players as they move on to new opportunities.
Enigma Gaming has had a significant impact on the Indian esports scene and its departure from the Valorant roster is certainly a loss. However, with the team's impressive track record and skill, it is likely that they will continue to find success in the future.